
sci fi, anyone?

At lunch today we were talking about social/political/military trends, and how China (as a major creditor to the USA) is growing and ramping up its military. Debate was whether China would eventually apply its military to leverage their economic interests in the USA, when somebody said no, they would race the Americans to Mars in order for their society to survive a nuclear winter. wow.


jobs vs productivity

I wonder if defenders of the economic benefits of the tobacco industry and the jobs it creates for health care workers would also promote the economic benefits of professional pot-hole makers and the jobs it creates for auto mechanics...


Free trade and forced agglomerations remove democratic tools from the people, while further empowering the rich and distracting the poor with more accessible material toys.



in a moment of deep reflection today (probably inspired by Star Wars III), I came to the realization that:
"Nothing is so absolutely wrong as governing by absolutes."


some fate

In the face of hardship:
some people believe it is divine retribution and they must suffer it as victims/repentance;
others believe it is another challenge to prevent ourselves from becoming complacent, and use it as an opportunity to learn and grow stronger.

I'm tired of the first kind, why do I have to suffer them?


speaking of patience

why is it taking so long for google's webcrawlers to find www.kidsandteensdentistry.ca? yahoo had already listed it. I submitted the info about a month ago; I guess it's just a matter of time (and posting a few pointers to the site). It's a great resource for parents who care for their kids' health.

(PS - speaking of patience/patients - oh never mind...)


Crammertics 101
"when you climb too fast, you fall real fast."
hmm. being the patient guy that I am...


protest votes

Crammertics 101

protest votes, though a legitimate exercise of democracy, are stupid. water under the bridge. spilt milk. sunk costs. what really matters is what's coming, you have to weigh both the party's platform and your trust in the local representative.


... or was it stupity, or a good ol' change of heart?

The fact that the appropriate world experts said there wasn't any evidence of WMD didn't clue the White House sufficiently to keep the Pentagon in line doesn't speak much for the intellectual impartiality (which in my mind is fundamental to a good democracy) of their leader. In all fairness that was a few years ago; perhaps he's just had a change of heart, or his god spoke to him ?


Main Entry: hy·poc·ri·sy
Pronunciation: hi-'pä-kr&-sE also hI-
Function: noun.
A feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion

re: Dubya's comments on the late Terry Schiavo case. He said something like "where there's a doubt, we must always err on the side of life". I suppose he applied a not-withstanding clause before erring on the side of war in Iraq?