
Time is relative

In admiration (and some jealousy) of long-term state planning:
"In 500 years you will see [that] history is on our side."
– December 10, 2010
– Tan Changliu (Chinese communist official)


Generation Squeeze

 yup, sometimes I too feel stuck between the boomers who wouldn't give us their jobs and don't want to look after our kids.  Rebound effect still rippling from the WWII I suppose.
From The Globe and Mail: After the boomers, it's Generation Squeeze - http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/after-the-boomers-its-generation-squeeze/article2205685/?utm_source=Shared+Article+Sent+to+User&utm_medium=E-mail:+Newsletters+/+E-Blasts+/+etc.&utm_campaign=Shared+Web+Article+Links 


State of IT

Overheard in the office (presumably looking at a cellphone):
"That's soooo cool! I wish we could get apps on a computer."
posted from Bloggeroid