
this year's "get real" award goes to...

"We in Hamas welcome any foreign aid as long as it's not conditional money."

I agree that democratically-elected governments need (and generally deserve) the right to determine what is best for their constituents, but this absolutely must to be balanced with the "no taxation without representation" principle and the general policy in civilized society against bullying.


value portayal, or betrayal?

what happened to the whole "transparency" promise?
Supreme Benevolent Dictator Dina, could you politely smack our PM upside the head about this?


If You're a Christian, Muslim or Jew - You are Wrong

According to this guy, at least.

It's an amusing read. This line is particularly interesting:
Sanity is an island battered in an ocean of frothing delusion.


Quiet revolution, silent devolution

I very much appreciate Quebec's Quiet Revolution - there was so much oppression and occasional abuse "in the name of God," especially under Duplessis, that Quebec intellectuals banded together and politely exorcised religion from all branches of politics (government, public hospitals and schools, etc.) and replaced it with a mode of governance that focused on the well-being of society as a whole. This is very much in the spirit of the "peace, order and good government" line in the Canadian Constitution.

I sincerely regret the gradual extinction of intellectual politics, as bible-thumpers and peace-makers are once again taking it upon themselves to "fix" everybody else's problems. Does anybody else see a parallel between "it's our duty to export peace" and the crusades of the middle ages? The American government has already embarked on that mission, with less than ideal results, and I hate to see us follow them down that path.


God bless WHOSE Canada, Mr.Harper?

Harper recently closed a speech or something with "God Bless Canada" and created some commotion. See http://redtory.blogspot.com/2006/01/harper-gives-canada-finger.html for an amusing sample.

If this were a standalone incident, I would shrug it off. But with the american talibangelists oops televangelists (thanks Ryan) and other right-wing nuts out there, I am disappointed he would break the very Canadian "keep religion OUT of politics" custom and am therefore quite uneasy.

This, coupled with the Chief of Defence Staff breaking the "keep politics out of the military" custom and publically voicing his political opinion are a GREAT CAUSE OF CONCERN. (Yesterday he commented at a press conference against the Liberals and expressed gratitude for having a Conservative government.) He also said "we have to export stability, or, if we do nothing, we will end up importing instability."

This is a subtle but significant shift in the tectonic plates of our society. Both the CDS and Harper are following the Republican example a little too eagerly, without regard for the progressive, independent and secular social bedrock that defines and ties us together as Canadians. I AM AFRAID. VERY AFRAID.

Ignore the Karla film

I received a petition today to boycott Karla, the film about Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. Rather than add my name and forward it (e-petitions have no credibility and thus carry no weight) I will just post it here.
There's a fine line between waking the social conscience and profiting from other's pain. Having read a few reviews that qualify this movie as a complete dud with cardboard characters and does not take into account later admissions or findings, I sadly must assume that pure greed was the motive.

"A dear friend of Leslie Mahaffie writes:
Dear All,
I was fortunate to have grown up as a dear friend of Leslie Mahaffie. She was a wonderful person who had a heart of gold and a beauty that radiated from inside. She was a gentle soul that never wanted to hurt anyone. When you remember this tragedy, please remember that these were young, innocent girls who's only mistake was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Creating a movie and profiting from their torture and deaths only makes this deplorable act worse.

Please take a personal stand against this film. Do not pay to watch it at the theatre and do not rent it. Influence those around you to make the same
decision. By refusing to financially support this movie we can make our
voices heard.

In case anyone forgets or never did know, Paul Bernado and his wife Karla Homolka were both found guilty of murder in the deaths of two Ontario girls and Karla's younger sister, with all three deaths being sexual perversion as well as torture. To give these two fame by making a movie about them is obscene and must not be permitted. So I urge everyone to add their names to the bottom of this petition and forward it to everyone one you know. Thank you. Please add your names. Let's be decent - let's be Canadian.

NOTE: The parents of the two teenage girls that were victims of sexual assault and murder have been trying to prevent this film from being made. Let's see what protest we can make to support them in their efforts. Let's keep this petition moving right along quickly."

For more information : http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/petition/bernardo.htm

Sometimes I wish I had the guts to do this too

Related pictures at: http://www.citynoise.org/article/2770

I'm a little disappointed the photographer (prudently) chose not to post the picture with the licence plate - I'm sure he would have ended up with a lot more than just one key scratch! I just hope the police will follow up and lay proper charges against this jerkwad.

Anyway, I just wish there was some way to potty train all the inconsiderate assholes that throw their cigarette butts, napkins, cups, cans, etc out their car windows or anywhere creating not just an eyesore but a road hazard as well. Each time I've witnessed such behaviour I've been tempted to honk or flash my high beams, only to decide that the slim chance they would get the message, if they even noticed, wasn't worth the noise or distraction it would cause other drivers. (sigh)

Meanwhile if anybody's looking for me, I'll probably be busy picking up cigarette butts and wrappers, kleenex and doggie doo from my front lawn.

Why the Internet will soon be censored

Got this in my inbox today. 1h20m movie that presents a well constructed and well researched conspiracy theory about 9/11, without the Michael Moore-type spectacle (
it didn't mention the plane(s) that gathered all the Saudis (etc) despite the no-fly order, nor did it accuse any politicians of personal gain.) More based on information that was said then retracted or "forgotten" ala true conspiracy.
Loose Change

For every point there is a counterpoint. Read the critique here and make up your own mind who you want to believe. Personally, given their industrial ties, I think the apparent conflicts of interest are too important for the White House not to address.