
overstepping jurisdiction?

If I read this news release correctly, and understood the basics of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982, this means our trusted government intends to extend its Contiguous zone to what is already recognized internationally as Exclusive Economic Zone (200nm). Problem is, this law of the sea states explicitly that the Contiguous zone "may not extend beyond 24 nautical miles" (UNCLOS, Part II, article 33). I wonder how seriously this posturing will be recognized by other countries aching for the NW Passage "our internal waters"...
-----Original Message-----

From the Prime Minister's Web Site
Sent: Wednesday, 27 August, 2008 13:48
Subject: News Release / Communiqué

Prime Minister Harper Announces Government of Canada Will Extend Jurisdiction over Arctic Waters

Canadian Environment and Shipping Jurisdiction to be Enforced an Additional 100 Nautical Miles Offshore
August 27, 2008
Tuktoyaktuk, NT

The Government of Canada will extend its jurisdiction in the Arctic by doubling the range at which Canadian environmental laws and shipping regulations will be enforced, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced today.

"Whether it is the thawing of the Northwest Passage or the suspected resource riches under the Arctic seabed, more and more countries are taking an interest in the waterways of the Canadian Arctic," said the Prime Minister. "We will be sending a clear message to the world that our environmental standards and sovereignty are not up for debate -- if you are in Canada's Arctic you will be playing by Canada's rules."

The Prime Minister announced that his government will be introducing changes to the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act as part of its fall legislative agenda. Currently the Act allows the Canadian Government to regulate all shipping in zones up to 100 nautical miles from the nearest Canadian land in order to guard against pollution of the region's marine and coastal environments. Under the proposed new law, this jurisdiction will be extended to 200 nautical miles.

In addition the Prime Minister announced that his government will establish new regulations under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 that will require mandatory reporting from all ships destined for Arctic waters within the same 200 nautical mile limit.

"As an environmental matter, as a security matter and as an economic matter we are making it perfectly clear that not only do we claim jurisdiction over the Canadian Arctic, we are also going to put the full resources of the Government of Canada behind enforcing that jurisdiction," said the Prime Minister. "We are acting today to protect our environment, improve the security of our waterways and ensure that all Northern residents - and, in particular, the Inuit - have a strong say in the future of our Arctic for generations to come."

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
Don't get me wrong though - I understand that the ecosystem in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago is very fragile, where even the smallest chemical spills will take forever to dissipate (too cold for anything to evaporate on its own quickly enough), and it is eyed with great interest internationally. This probably doesn't make the archipelago waters any more "internal" to Canada than planting a flag on the Moon made it American, but posturing counts for a lot in politics so I think its a good move.


water electricity carbon money spirituality and lies

Some reading about recent ban on bottled water (london ON) prompted further surfing on the topic.
Was shocked to learn that, based on calculations at Queens U, the electrical requirements alone (for each refrigerated vending machine and the associated cooling load on the HVAC system) cost the university $1178 every year (at 9.5c/kWh). The total electricity consumption (for 150 machines) in 2002 was calculated to be 1.86 GWh.

In comparison, Thunder Bay Generating Station (coal-fuelled) produces typically 1,500 GWh annually. Merely 0.12% of one power station - but that's just one vending machine contract with one institution. How much carbon emission does that represent, over and above the emissions related to the bottle-making, bottling, packaging, distribution, retail storage and consumer transportation of bottled water (assuming the extraction and filtering costs of bottled and municipal waters cancel each other out)?

On top of that, the total electrical load for the vending machines at Queens amounted to 2.3% of their annual electricity spending. That's a 2.3% tax the student population and government subsidies have to pay for the convenience of those rich (or stupid) enough to pay $2 a 500mL bottle for something that costs 50c per 1000L.

The bottled water fad also hurts tap water by taking away public support to improve and protect it, will disproportionately hurt those who can't afford to buy their water privately. Clean water is essential to life - cleanses the spirit and the temple - it should be a right, not a simple commodity!

All this because big marketers created a need (based on a 1960's study that said you need 1mL of water for every calorie of food you eat - but they omitted the inconvenient next sentence that most of that was already present in the food that carries those calories).

Not to mention, of course, the environmental costs of recycling (energy and effort consumed in the collection, sorting, melting and re-processing) these bottles that good people send back for recycling, and the pollution caused by the whopping 40% of bottles that aren't.



election threat?

so - he instructs his party to boycott parliamentary committees and his party's parliamentary committee members to cause all sorts of procedural delays, and then he says the system is deadlocked (because of the opposition, naturally) and says he has no choice but to call an election. boo hoo.
i suppose he's just doing what he needs to so he can get what he really wants - absolute power to rival the mighty Putin. And here I thought he was only copying the Nazi party's strategy book. Silly me!


Bush could weaken Endangered Species Act

Parts of the Endangered Species Act may soon be extinct:
# Bush wants federal agencies to decide for themselves if projects harm wildlife
# Changes would "seriously weaken" habitat protections, says conservationist
# New rules end reviews that developers say increase many project cost
# Similar bill passed in the House in 2005 but died in the Senate
Another step backward to a bleak future.
Apparently Conservatives/Republicans are the only species on earth in a symbiotic relationship still trying to kill its host...
I'm glad somebody (Dion) has the balls to try to rebalance the economy to take environmental sustainability into account. I wish him luck.

actions speak louder than words

his absence is more of a statement than anything his PMO can spin.
August 8, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued the following statement on the occasion of the XXIX Olympic Games taking place from August 8 to 24 in Beijing:

"I am joined by all Canadians in wishing our athletes and their coaches the very best during their upcoming competitions. You are an enormous source of pride and inspiration for all Canadians and we salute your perseverance and dedication in your quest for excellence.

Canadians recognize and admire the years of effort involved in preparing for Olympic Games. From the playground to the podium, the values we learn from sport - teamwork, discipline, achievement and confidence - are values that make a society and a country stronger.

The Government of Canada is a proud partner in supporting excellence in sport. As the world comes together in Beijing to reach for one dream, we want you to know that we are following with great pride and excitement your performances at these Games.

From September 6 to 17, Canada's paralympians will also inspire Canadians as they compete in the XIII Summer Paralympic Games. We look forward to conveying our support to these exceptional athletes."
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications