
sad sad day for humanity

what's the importance of reaching mutual understanding, when you can send robots to "defend" your position?

The American Dream, in its current incarnation obsessed with bigger and better by the fewer and fewer, is threatening ever more rapidly the delicate balance keeping humanity off the brink of implosion.


the veil has been lifted

Islamic officials and romaticists may try to convince me that the veil (or burqa or niqab) is a symbol of humility and respect for their spouse (who is supposed to be the center of their universe and should be the only person privileged to see them without), but below is the real reason why I suspect militants want so desperately to impose the veil. Not altogether surprising coming from those who dispense with the "thou shall not kill" and other such formalities on their way to martyrdom.

According to PAKISTAN'S RED MOSQUE SHOWDOWN on Spiegel Online:
"Aziz was arrested Wednesday trying to flee the mosque in a woman's burqa. He was spotted by a female police officer because of his height and large stomach. Aziz, who was still dressed in the burqa he had used as a disguise during his interview, ..."

More at Mosque Chief Arrested Trying to Flee in Burqa on The Australian