
It's funny cuz it's true ???

During a photo-op in France earlier today, at a ceremony commemmorating the Battle of Vimy Ridge: (source)
Stephen Harper, a servi une raillerie aux médias qui l'accompagnaient ce matin (mardi) à une cérémonie commémorative à Vimy.
Il a dit que dorénavant, l'ennemi ne transportait pas d'armes à feu, mais des caméras de télévision.

Rough translation: The PM joked that "In the future, the ennemy won't be the one carrying fire-arms but television cameras."

In this case, I hope its not true because it certainly isn't funny; I am rather apprehensive toward the prospect that we will be fighting a war of disinformation with the NeoCons, not unlike the grassroots opposition to Nazi party propaganda that was quickly eliminated...

And why is this not reported in the English news I wonder?

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