
Greenwashing exposed at Enbridge

Submitted a small rant to Enbridge today. They're our natural gas supplier, and they've been promoting their eBill service as "Easy. Convenient. Environmentally friendly." Pfah.
Your marketing people may claim that your new (since end of January) ebill format is more visually appealing, but it's anything but "environmentally friendly." In fact, it is unnecessarily wasteful of resources and abusive of my pocketbook.
-- Cut the eBill down to two pages so it can be printed on a single sheet, double-sided. I can save paper AND storage space in my filing cabinet that way.
-- Also, remove the colour backdrop - it looks fancy, but it burns through my ink like there's no tomorrow!
If not, I'm going to cancel eBill and have the fancy printing and mailing done at YOUR cost!
I think everybody should wake up from the matrix and take the time to call a spade a spade - and take back some control!

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