
Green to the grave

I am shocked. From the Ottawa Citizen, 1 April 2009 page B5:
In U.S. cemeteries alone, some 90,000 tons of steel, copper and brass, 1.6 million tons of reinforced concrete, and 800,000 gallons of embalming fluid like buried in caskets, vaults and corpses. That's not to mention the energy consumed in cremating a body at temperatures of more than 900C or the dioxins [and heavy metals] spewed into the atmosphere in the process.

This article got me thinking. When the time comes, I want people to know I want a green burial. Particularly:
-It would be nice to be exposed, but embalming fluid has to be non-toxic and organic. If formaldehyde is the only option, just close the lid.
-dispose of my dental filling(s) (and any other toxic accumulator) as hazardous waste.
-biodegradable coffin (soft, locally sourced, fast growing wood; without metal hardware).
-lot: no heavy machinery (soil compaction) and no pesticides! let those bugs do their job so my body can support the local eco-system. Toss in a few red wrigglers and coffee grinds to get the process started.
-service: should focus on my physical reunion with mother earth and spiritual reunion with the universe.
-music: favourite pieces are Toccata & Fugue in D Minor (J.S. Bach) and Mozart's Requiem.
-no concrete liners or vaults.
-no headstone; an indigenous rock as a grave marker would be nice. if the plot allows, plant a dogwood shrub (I like the smell). Ideally, I'd like a silver maple.
-organic local flowers, if any. ideally hardy maintenance-free perennials that could be planted at home or at my plot. Absolutely no carnations (my wife doesn't like them).
-donations? ideally, to a land conservation organization - save the forests, creeks and bees; they are the silent guardians of our race who will look after our progeny a whole lot better than any profit-minded association.

"best be mindful, we are but guests in mother nature's house"

I haven't seen their sites yet, but here are potential sources for more information (listed in the Citizen article):

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