
On ambition

Having some spare time, I have been reading on what successful people do, setting effective goals etc.  Nothing particularly surprising or new to me.  Though it all sounds great, I just don't see any of it applicable to me, as I haven't found my ambition.  So I googled "how to find ambition", and did an online ambition test.  Unsympathetically, it summarized my results as follows:

· No strengths detected (ouch)
Potential strengths:
· You have a moderate level of self-efficacy (is that all)?
· You have very little, if any, professional aspiration (mostly content where I am, I can accept that)
· You have very little, if any, personal aspiration (I still feel stuck fundamentally)
 · You did not have a family environment that was very supportive of ambition (hmmm)

I really need to think about that last line - as a father I don't want my boys to fall into the same self-effacing driveless attitude toward life (if they are thus naturally inclined).

As for general ambition tips, it isn't much help (d-uh).
First heading: "Write your aspirations down".  Start by putting your goals, what's most important to you, on paper, and start breaking it down it says. But that's the core of the issue: I have no goals!

Next heading: "Lacking passion? Dig deep".  What makes me smile?  where am I when I daydream?  what was I when playing pretend games as a kid?  Besides reverse engineering the quality principles built into a well-designed product, the occasional joke and kid's behaviour/accomplishment/attitude, the answer is : Nothing. (surprised?)

Next heading: "Take life by the horns". "Deal with issues that need change head on - the longer you wait, the less empowered you will feel."  I don't know how less empowered I can feel than already.  MOVING ON.

The remaining headings: "Surround yourself with supportive and ambitious people", "Plan for potential obstacles", "Reward yourself", "Remind yourself regularly", "Boost your confidence", "Motivate yourself to persist" - are all good (and very common) tips, once you're willing to take life by the horns that is.  And I'm just not there - at least I don't see how that would change anything for the better.

There is one good takeaway in all this - I need to remember to create a more challenge-rewarding environment for my kids.  And that is something I can do.

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