
cents nonsense

Apparently, it costs Canadian taxpayers and consumers nearly $100 million dollars every year to keep the stupid penny in circulation.


Since the Royal Canadian Mint produces on demand (some years up to 2200 TONNES of pennies), KEEP THE DAMN THINGS IN CIRCULATION!

From now on, I'll also be telling cashiers "no cents for me please."


Publius said...

They can't get rid of the cent coin until sales tax is included in the price automatically (like the way they do in Sweden and Decarie Hot Dog).

Until then, the cent must stay. How else can the smartest among us develop a penny-rounding algorithm to become rich?

mlab said...

NOT including the tax in the price for a nice round figure has always been a HUGE peeve of mine. Many annoyed friends can attest to the fact that I make that point clear to most retailers, esp.concession stands.