
slow swinging pendulum

Ottawa Citizen p.A11, "Onward Christian Soldiers", Sunday 060115

"Mr. Foster, the political scientist, says he has asked politically engaged evangelicals how they stay optimistic in the face of overwhelming evidence that suggests Canadians reject the overt role of religion in politics and public policy.
The overwhelming answer I get is that they hold out hope that sooner or later, enough Canadians are going to be so disillusioned, so disaffected with so-called progressive policies that they will see the light, as it were, and return to the guardians of tradition. That in itself is characteristic of people of faith."

uh, return to the guardians of whose tradition? We'd be in a nasty pickle if every neighborhood started arguing over which tradition to follow and what to do with those who don't comply... I suppose that public debate, commitment and enforcement, in a manner acceptable to all, would be required to prevent escalation to the point of crusades, civil wars, concentration camps, etc.

Could it be that our democracy was borne out of people being so disillusioned and disaffected with so-called religious policies that they saw the light and returned to the ancient greek tradition of democracy?

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