
Plainte ridicule (part deux)

The Christian group challenging the supposed blasphemy Madonna's in show is not unlike some people's reactions to certain words (nigger, wetback, honky, jew, wop, etc). These are trigger words for people who have associated them with very strong emotions, but for everyone else, they are relatively harmless (if not indicative of poor taste and/or insentivity).
Emotions, good or bad, are what energize us to seek change (some degree more, or less) of their cause; although sometimes it may not be easy or possible to channel it appropriately, leading to further hurt of self or others.
I see no harm in the innocent use of these words, as long as there isn't any deliberate blame or derogation association, either explicit or implicit, intended specifically to arouse these emotions.
For example, calling me a honky means nothing; call me that if you want. but if you say I am nothing but a stupid honky or that I do/did something because I'm a honky are thoroughly inappropriate and unfair gross associations, whether accurate or applicable in that instance or not, that I simply will not stand for. Mel Gibson, I hope you're listening!

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