
Survival vs Continuity - in the name of the greater good?

National post, February 7 2011, p.20:
"In office, [Harper] has never let a minister rise high enough to form an independent power base. The Harper operation is built for survival, armored against threat from the inside and out, designed to protect the one component its leader believes is indispensable: himself."
a) how is that democratic?
b) best way to destroy a country is to castrate its ability to generate new political leadership.  In fact, its a best practice for despots.

c) even North Korea has a succession plan.

Which leaves me wondering, if he is building something so complex and dependent on him personally, with a centralization of power never seen before in Canadian politics, how long can he sustain it without sacrificing his health or resorting to physical oppression of the people? And who will be left to clean up the mess after he leaves?

posted from Bloggeroid

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