
Nation building defining exercise

I think part of the confusion and resistance to the motion tabled that recognizes the Quebecois as a nation within a united Canada stems from the different meanings the word "nation" has in English and in French. Most anglos would define it in terms of a country (in the historical and geographical sense), whereas the Quebecois understand it to mean "a self-empowered people with a common destiny." I suspect these radically different views originated in the French Revolution, when the people of France disposed of their aristocracy. Meanwhile, the English continued to peck away at their own aristocracy crumb by crumb, never wholly confident that they could do without. If that is at least partially true, it could explain the very close relationship Quebeckers have with their government while English Canada continues to mistrust and work in spite of it. If that were at least partially true, Quebec should recognize that it is not that distinct from certain other provinces!

PS. Note he distinct(ahem)ly referred to the people (the Québecois) as a nation, not the province!

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