

Perhaps it is only the prospect of a nice cool white winter approaching, but after reading through some of MP Garth Turner's blog and watching some MPTV he has produced, I feel thoroughly refreshed. What is spewing from the PMO and the PM's website is indeed more of an election campaign than anything else. Silly me, after all Harper's rhetoric about "issues that matter to real canadians", I actually expected it to show real issues that mattered to people (rather than propaganda aimed at voters who matter).

Back to the point: Garth's website and comments that people have posted there indicate that beyond the propaganda (that I liken to barnacles on a hull), there really are a lot of concerned Canadians that care for the state of our democracy, our institutions, and our citizenry. Hats off to Garth and the constituents of Halton, and even the conservative party for raising our awareness.

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