
death of a journalist

Like Ignatieff criticizing Isreal as a friend (because a friend who only tells you what you want to hear isn't looking out for your best interest), I believe it is always good to be questioned on the purpose of something, whatever that may be and however unpleasant it may be.

So, why this blog? Because observations lead to discussions, discussions lead to questions and increased awareness, increased awareness leads to self-enforcement and self-regulation.

I was inspired by an article in the Ottawa Citizen, on yet another Russian journalist critical of the government was assassinated just recently, and apparently she's the 20th or so to be shot and killed there in the last 6 years. Closer to home, Harper has clamped down on party communications and media access, and has even dismissed an MP from his caucus because he was overly critical of the party on his personal blog. I'm not saying that there is any causal or deliberate link between the two, but both are symptomatic of organizations increasingly desperate to gain or maintain control (and preserve for themselves all the associated benefits to which they have become accustomed).

That behaviour is NOT a sound basis for democracy. I've blogged before how education is a fundamental pillar (a quote probably attributed to somebody else), and we all have a responsibility (and the power) to keep the forum for intelligent debate open (a la woodrow wilson, except to recipients deserving in fact rather than doublespeak).

I believe we collectively have tremendous knowledge, creativity and enthusiasm, and that our potential should be tapped rather than suppressed. When shown horses on a ranch, a butcher sees their meat, while a farmer visualizes their strength; I'd rather see Canadians harnessed and pulling the carts of intelligentsia than herded into the intellectual slaughterhouse of creature comforts and entitlements.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blog on, brother! Fight the power!